Monday, February 24, 2014

Birds on a Wire: Visual Music, Indeterminacy and Inter-media Techniques


Indeterminacy in music is the technique of removing some or all of the decision-making process that is typically involved in composition (from the composer's hands), and randomizing it somehow.
This is a good example of cross-media prompting of musical sounds (a type of reverse data visualization). Obviously the composer still has a hand in indeterminant music, to some degree, it's really just about sourcing your ideas somewhere else and then running with them. For example, here the composer made the decision of the rhythmic value of each bird/note. He could have also decided whether each bird is on a line of the staff or in the space, giving him even more freedom in the actual choosing of notes. Simply "noticing" (and then realizing) something like this is the true artistic statement, though. It's about a way of looking at the world and seeing beauty all around you. Check it out!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Classic Spinal Tap! Find the related video of the whole "conversation."

10 Things I Wish My Guitar Teacher Told Me on Day One

This is right on the money, and makes a good first post. Roots Guitar Tips is a great blog, an inspiration for what I'd like to do here.

<<...The "BEST" guitarist is the one that plays the "most like themselves." Develop your own style.>>

Friday, February 7, 2014

A New Function for This Domain!

This web address has not really been useful for the purpose of re-direction to my other pop music sites, as intended. Meanwhile, I've been sensing the need for an online resource in connection to my growing roster of music students. So, as a new experiment, this site will now function as a destination for music students who are generally interested, perhaps thinking about taking lessons or currently studying with me. You'll find music-related articles of general interest, guitar and gear-head paraphernalia, music technique and theory materials and practical (printable) resources. Please enjoy, and feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions!

I am currently accepting students independently in downtown Montréal. I also teach in collaboration with the following organizations:


Académie de Musique de Montréal

Thank you, and happy musicking!

Trevor Davies